How much does it cost to draw a house plan in South Africa?

Building your dream home is something many of us aim for. However, when the opportunity does come around one may realize that it is quite a financial commitment and that there are various financial aspects to consider. One of your first financial-related questions may be, how much does it cost to draw a house plan…

How High Should You Fill a Swimming Pool?

Where you are simply maintaining your water level or filling your pool from scratch, the water level of your pool needs to be kept in check. Having the water level too high or too low both have problems. With that in mind, how high should you fill your swimming pool? Your pool should be filled…

How Do I Get Rid of Mosquito Larvae in My Pool?

That fact that there are mosquito larvae in a pool, means that that pool has most likely has been neglected. Low chlorine levels and stagnant water are perfect breeding grounds for these dirty little bloodsuckers. Try shocking your pool by adding 3 pounds of chlorine for every 10,000 gallons of pool water to raise the…

How do I Shock my Pool? [Without Pool Shock]

There is a lot of uncertainty about swimming pool shocking methods and products when there really doesn’t need to be. Shocking your pool is an effective and simple process used to clean green pools quickly. To avoid wasting your time, I will first answer, as plainly as I can, the question: How do I shock…

Is it OK to Pee in Your Pool?

It is a scientifically proven fact that when we get into a pool, the urge to pee will increase substantially, and I think we can all attest to that. In fact, I am pretty confident that most of you who are reading this are guilty of doing the deed. But is it really OK to…

How Often Should I Change the Sand in my Pool Filter?

Even if you have a good pool maintenance routine, there are still some pool maintenance tasks that seem to get neglected. These tend to be the tasks that only need to be done every few years. One of those tasks is replacing the filter sand. How often should you replace the sand in your pool…

How Long After Shocking Your Pool can you Swim?

Shocking your pool is such an effective way to remove algae, bacteria, and other harmful contaminants. It’s quick and results are seen as sudden as overnight. While it works really fast, we need to be sure the pool is safe to swim in after adding shock to your pool. After shocking your pool with a…

Why Does My Pool Pump Overheat and Shut Off?

The pump is literally the heart of the pool, and like our own hearts, it’s really important to make sure it is always in good working condition. One of the most common problems we run into is overheating, following by the pump shutting off. I had this problem a few years ago, and here’s how…

How Do I Winterize my Inground Pool?

Right, swimming season is over, and there’s an icy winter looming. If you do not want your pool equipment damaged or destroyed, then you need to winterize your pool. To winterize your pool, you need to remove all water out of your pool equipment. First, back-wash your pool filter, and drain the pool until the…

Why Is There No Suction in My Pool Skimmer?

Meet jack, jack just bought a brand new automatic pool cleaner. Jack goes home excitedly to plug it into the skimmer. Jack plugs it in, only to find there is no suction, rendering his brand spanking new cleaner useless. Let’s help Jack find out why there is no suction in hist skimmer? Your filter may…